Spring is here-Lana Del Rey look

Here is the first shot from last week's shooting. It wasn't our intention, but she really looks like Lana, her face features are similar to hers, and with the flower arrangement we got an authentic Lana Del Rey look.
Do you like it?

Prima fotografie din cadrul sedintei foto de saptamana trecuta. Nu a fost intentia noastra, dar ea seamana foarte mult cu Lana, trasaturile fetei sunt similare cu ale ei, iar cu aranjamentul floral din par am ajuns sa cream o imagine care aduce foarte mult cu cea promovata de artista.
Va place?

The team:

Photo: Sorin Popa
Make-up:Kiaari Andreea
Model: Oana Cinca
Hair/Flowers, styling: Adriana Delia Barar


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