
I don't think there is a single person that can say " I am not addicted to anything in this world."
We simply get attached to objects that we depend on, or we fall in love with flavours or fell the need to do a certain thing everyday.
So now  I confess, I am addicted to a number of things that I simply can live without.
I don't think I can make a hierarchy so I will talk about them at random.
Coffee is probably the first thing on  my mind when I wake up and I am addicted to it's tempting taste.
My phone is something I can never leave without; I feel lost not having it with me all the time.
My watch also is an accessory that has to be always there, or else I get confused.( I know my cellphone can help). I love to feel it on my wrist, it makes me believe that I am secure.
Back to tastes and we talk about chewing gum and chocolate. I think I could really live only with chocolate and chewing gum, oh yes and coffee too. Besides my wallet and phone I always  carry a packet of gum in my purse, it really cleans teeth and keeps the mouth fresh.
Technology is another thing I can't do without. Unfortunately I became addicted and can not leave it aside. My computer, laptop or tablet, you name it, if it's connected to the internet I am saved!
Because I used to have bad skin, the foundation became a must, but now it is just an addiction that I stayed stuck to together with the mineral concealer. I bet many of you have the same addiction.Right?
 Music was something I discovered probably before I was born, and still I need it everyday. Depending on my state of mind I keep the playlist on repeat while I work or drive. My new obsession is Al Jawala ( search on youtube), thanks to Sorin Popa.
And last but not least, my car. I really love driving around, but it seems I became addicted to it as a transport method. I don't like cabs (they really drive dangerously), trams, busses or other public transport. I prefer the comfort and privacy a car gives you . I would rather walk, but it is time consuming when I have a strict schedule. 
I dare you to judge me if you have no addictions!
Who else has the courage to admit?

Nu cred ca este vreo persoana pe lumea asta care sa nu fie  dependenta de ceva, fie ca e vorba de un obiect, un obicei sau un gust fara de care nu poate traii.
Asa ca eu voi recunoaste aici si acum ca sunt dependenta de cateva lucruri despre care voi vorbi la intamplare deoarece nu pot stabili o ierarhie corecta.
Cafeaua este probabil primul lucru la care ma gandesc dimineata. Imi place prea mult gustul ei incat sa renunt in vreo dimineata la savoarea care o ofera.
Daca mi-am uitat telefonul mobil acasa,ma intorc dupa el, Nu pot traii fara el, ma simt pierduta, foarte ciudata stare.
Ceasul este probabil accesoriul fara de care nu plec din casa. Daca nu il am ma simt confuza, trebuie sa stiu tot timpul cat e ceasul. ( stiu ca am ceas si pe telefon). Imi place sa il simt pe incheietura mainii, imi da o stare de siguranta.
Inapoi la arome si vorbim de ciocolata si  guma de mestecat. Eu cred ca as putea traii si dora cu ciocolata si guma de mestecat, ah da si cafea. Pe langa portofel si telefon, in geanta am tot timpul un pachet de guma de mestecat. Cum zicea reclama, dupa fiecare masa mesteca Orbit white. Ce-i drept curata dintii si respiratia e mereu fresh.
De tehnologie nu ma pot lipsii sub nici o forma si pot spune ca sunt super dependenta de ea. Desktop, laptop, tableta, ce vreti voi, dar sa fie conectat la internet si pot respira linistita.
Pentru ca am avut probleme cu tenul, fondul de ten devenise obligatoriu, dar acum a ramas ca viciu impreuna cu corectorul mineral.Sunt sigura ca multe dintre voi  imi impartasiti sentimentul.Am dreptate?
Muzica am descoperit-o probabil cu ceva timp inainte sa ma nasc si totusi am nevoie de ea zilnic.In functie de starea mea de spirit pastrez lista de redare pe repeat in timp ce lucrez sau conduc. Noua mea obsesie se numeste Al Jawala(cautati pe youtube), multumita lui Sorin Popa.
Si ultima, dar nu cea din urma, masina mea. Imi place foarte mult sa conduc, dar se pare ca s-a transformat intr-o dependenta acuta, fiind mijloc de transport permanent. Nu imi place sa circul cu taxi( conduc foarte periculos), nici cu tramvai, autobuz sau alte mijloace de transport in comun. Prefer comfortul si intimitatea oferita de masina. Mai repede as merge pe jos, dar avand un program de care trebuie sa ma tin, as pierde mult timp asa.
Va provoc sa ma condamnati daca voi nu aveti nici o dependenta!
Care dintre voi  mai are curajul sa recunoasca?


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