Thinking of Spring

 It is -10 C here, and I am really not into getting out of the house, but I have to. I really loved the light here in these pictures, it looked warm, like an early summer sun.  
The pictures were taken a few days ago when it wasn't that cold outside, because today I would be dead by now if I would go out dressed like this.
So I as got tons of work to do, and I really have to get out of the house, I will add 4 layers of clothing, a furry jacket, the ugly but yet cozy UGG boots and a warm scarf. Then heat up the car, play some music and pretend I am going on a trip to  the beach!
If you can't beat the cold , ignore it.
This is weapon.
What's yours?

Sunt -10 grade afara, si chiar nu am chef de ieist afara, dar trebuie.
Mi-a placut mult lumina din aceste fotografii, pare calda, ca un soare de primavara tarzie.
Fotografiile au fost facute acum cateva zile , cand nu era chiar asa frig , pentru ca daca as fi ieist azi imbracata asa , sigur eram moarta de mult.
Si cum am o tona de  treaba de terminat si rezolvat, si trebuie sa ies din casa, voi imbraca 4 straturi de haine, o jacheta imblanita, cele mai urate dar si calduroase cizme UGG si un fular calduros. Apoi dau caldura maxima in masina, muzica buna si voi pretinde ca merg intr-o excursie spre plaja!
Daca nu pot combate frigul, ignora-l!
Aceasta este arma mea.
A ta care e?


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