Confessions of an Eyeglass-A-Holic

 As you have been asking me why I wore glasses a few posts back and now I don't, I will explain in this post.
No, I don't wear eyeglasses just because it is in fashion, I suffer from myopia.
When I was a kid, about 10 years ago, I wished that I should have to wear glasses, and even tried to trick the eye doctor in believing that I couldn't see well. Back then I didn't have to wear them, but now I do.
I was a bit depresses when I found that out, having to wear glasses all the time is not my idea of a trend.
I went and looked for the perfect pair of eyeglasses, to match the shape of my face, but I didn't like anything. A few days after, I went and bought several frames that I liked; it was a strategy to try and not get bored or depressed seeing the same pair everytime. 
Now I wear contact lenses most of the time and I have a damn good reason for that. I drive daily and my eyes are sensitive, so I use sunglasses.
Can you picture me wearing  two pairs of eyeglasses at the same time? I bet not. So I use contact lenses and protect my eyes with sunglasses.
Here are some of my eyeglasess. I told you I got many pairs, this post would have been looonger if I would have posted all of them.
Which do you like better?

Avand in vedere ca m-ati tot intrebat de ce mai demult ati vazut  fotografii cu mine purtand ochelarii , iar acum nu mai port, am decis sa va raspund.
Nu purtam ochelari doar pentru ca e in trend, chiar sufar de miopie.
Cand eram mai mica, aproximativ acum 10 ani, vroiam neaparat sa port ochelari de vedere, mi se parea foarte fain, si chiar am incercat sa o pacalesc pe doamna doctor ca nu vad bine. Dar atunci nu am reusit. Acum chiar sunt nevoita sa ii port. La inceput am fost putin deprimata, nu reuseam sa ma obisnuiesc cu ideea ca va trebui sa ii port zilnic. Astfel am cautat tot orasul sa imi gasesc o pereche potrivita pentru forma fetei mele,dar nu mi-a placut nimic.
Dupa cateva zile am continuat cautarea si mi-am achizitionat o sumedenie de rame, diferite culori si forme; era o strategie de a incerca sa nu ma plictisesc sa vad zilnic in oglinda aceeasi pereche de ochelari.
Acum de cele mai multe ori port lentile de contact, si chiar am un motiv bun pentru asta.
Avand in vedere ca conduc zilnic, iar ochii mei sunt sensibili, port ochelari de soare.
M-ati vedea purtand doua perechi de ochelari una peste alta? Nu cred. Deci folosesc lentile de contact sa pot vedea mai bine, si ochelari de soare sa ii protejez .
Aici aveti o parte din ochelarii mei.Daca ii pozam pe toti , aceasta postare ar fi fost muuult mai lunga.
Care va plac mai mult?








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