A Healthy Lifestyle - VERA WANG

 Adopting a healthy lifestyle is just an act of self-respect. Many girl that do not feed themselves, take on drastic diets do that just to look good, but looking good on the outside is not always healthy. You go on a diet, after talking to a specialist because you need to, it is for better for your health. I am referring here to people who have a severe weight problem, and the fat cam affect the organs around it making them work slower. So having a smart diet is not a bad idea.
You think of eating vegies, fruits and low fat products on a regular basis is boring, frustrating? Well think of this as an investment in your future.
Feeling and looking younger, having more energy and love of life when you get older.
Working out is also a part of what your daily routine should consist of, but if you don't have the time everyday, you can walk to work, or have a sports day in the weekend. The more you workout the  better you will feel, trust me, you would do yourself a favour.
I try to keep a healthy lifestyle because it makes me feel better for straters, but I also know it is great in the long run. As I said before, I am a veggetarian, but I also eat dairy products, and sometimes fish because it is very healthy.I try to workout as often as I can, more in the summer, less in the winter because the cold weather just slows me down. I also enjoy a delicious raw meal, with fruits and vegetables, they give me energy.
And yes, I have to state the reason I felt like writing this. I saw several pictures of fashion designer Vera Wang in a swimsuit, WOW, and yes she is 62!
Can you believe that? Because she keeps a low profile in what her personal life is ocncerned, I bet she eats only healthy food and works out on a regular basis. She also was a figure skater , just look at her legs! Many 15 year old girls don't look anything like her.
I think you should think this over a bit and maybe you too deserve to pay more respect to your life, your body and also soul.
Don't you agrre?

Adoptarea unui regim de viata sanatos este in primul rand o dovada de respect fata de sine. Multe fete se infometeaza, urmeaza diete stricte, nepotrivite, doar pentru a arata foarte bine, ceea ce nu este tot timpul mai sanatos. Urmezi o dieta, dupa indicatiile unui specialist , pentru ca trebuie sa o faci, e mai bine pentru starea ta de sanatate. Aici am refer la persoanele cu probleme mari de greutate, a caror organe vitale pot fi afectate de grasimea care le apasa si le impiedica sa functioneze cum trebuie. Deci a urma o dieta potrivita nu este deloc o idee rea.
Te gandesti ca mancatul de legume, fructe si produse sarace in grasime in mod regulat este plictisitor, frustrant? Gandeste-te ca e o investitie in viitorul tau.
Sa te simti mai bine, mai plin de viata, mai tanar cand deja ai ajuns la o varsta mai inaintata.
Exercitiile fizice de asemenea ar trebuii  sa faca parte din rutina zilnica, dar daca nu ai timp zilnic, poti merge pe jos la lucru sau sa planific o zi de sport la sfarsit de saptamana. Cu cat faci mai mult sport, cu atat te vei simtii mai bine, crede-ma ca iti vei face tie o favoare imensa.
Eu incerc sa imi mentin un stil de viata sanatos pentru ca in primul rand ma simt eu mai bine, dar si pentru ca va avea efecte pozitive pe termen lung. Dupa cum am mai zis, eu sunt vegetariana(lacto-ovo-vegetariana), dar mananc si produse lactate sau peste din cand in cand pentru ca este foarte sanatos. Incerc sa fac sport regulat, mai  mult vara, mai putin iarna deoarece frigul ma incetineste si nu ma pot mobiliza, sunt friguroasa si as racii repede. De multe ori savurez si cate o masa raw, plina cu fructe si legume proaspete, care imi si dau multa energie.
Ah, si sa va spun motivul care m-a determinat sa scriu aceasta postare. Am vazut cateva fotografii recente cu designerul Vera Wang in costum de baie, WOW, si are 62 de ani!
Iti vine sa crezi? Pentru ca isi tine viata personala departe de ochii lumii, nu se stiu prea multe detalii despre stilul ei de viata, dar fac pariu ca mananca sanatos si face miscare regulat. I tinerete a fost patinatoare, uite ce bine ii arata picioarele. Multe fete de 15 ani nu arata la fel de bine ca ea.
Eu cred ca ar trebui sa te mai gandesti putin si poate ajungi la concluzia ca se merita sa iti respecti viata, corpul si sufletul mult mai mult ca pana acum.
Nu esti de acord?


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