Super Girls Don't Cry

 Once in a while you need to save yourself from all the bad things around you, and by that I mean stress and  extra hard work.
 Because we all know superheros do not exist, you will need to take that duty upon yourself and get yourself away from the hectic lifestyle, at least for a couple of days. 
I got myself 2 days off, well at least I tried, I succeeded only partialy because some of the work couldn't have been delayed.
Now I will get back to work because the dresses will not get done by themselves.
Have a great day!

Din cand in cand trebuie sa te salvezi de toate lucrurile rele din jurul tau, si aici ma refer la stres si munca peste masura.Iar pentru ca toti stim ca de fapt nu exista super eroi, trebuie sa iei asupra ta aceasta datorie. Datoria de a rapi, de a te duce departe rutina haotica in care te complaci, macar pentru cateva zile. 
Eu mi-am luat liber 2 zile,sau macar am incercat reusind doar pe jumatate pentru ca unele treburi treburi nu puteau fi amanate.
Acum ma voi intoarce la treaba pentru ca rochiile nu se vor face singure.
O zi frumoasa sa aveti!


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