DIY Neon Crystal Jewelry

  Here is  simple and fancy project you can do yourself. Chose your nailpolish colors and you can make any design that your dream about. I chose a simple crystal necklace and earrings and some neon colored nailpolishes.
Draw your idea, or simply  go for it just like I did. I just started coloring the crystals one by one, creating the  pattern as I went on. I used the polish's brush but you can get thinner ones if you can't use the thick one. It's just like that. Get the polish, color the crystals and there you go! 
One unique necklace.

Un proiect simplu si foarte distractiv pe care il poate face oricine cu putina rabdare. Alegeti cateva culori de lac de unghii si cu putina imaginatie puteti face orice model doriti . Eu am ales un colier simplu cu doua randuri de cristale, o pereche de cercei si cateva lacuri  de unghii in culori neon.
Desenati-va ideea, sau pur si simplu faceti modelul din mers asa cum am facut si eu. Am luat pensula de la lac si am inceput sa colorez cristalele unul cate unul.Daca e prea groasa pensula luati una subtire de pictura. Atat de simplu, colorati cristalele cu gata.
Aveti un colier unic!


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