One dress - 4 styles

I decided to make another post about styling  the same garment in various ways.
Here is 60's inspired dress made of brocard. The print and different shades of the fabric make you think that there are just only few options for wearing it, but actually with a bit of courage and imagination you can easily rock different looks. 
Here are 4 tips from me. Which do you like best?

Am decis sa fac mai fac o postare despre purtarea si asortarea aceleasi piese de imbracaminte in diferite moduri

Aici este rochie inspirata din anii '60 facut din din brocard. Imprimeul si nuantele variate ale materialului te fac sa crezi ca exista  doar cateva opţiuni de purtare, dar de fapt cu un pic de curaj şi multa  imaginatie poti face combinatii indraznete la nesfarsit.

Aici am pus 4 varinate alese de mine. Care iti place cel mai mult?


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