New Year's Eve-wear something red

The New Year's Eve party just around the corner, and most of us are thinking what to wear on that night. There is a superstition that most women believe, more than that, they enjoy believing  that wearing red and something new on that night. So here are some styling tips on how to add red in you outfit. So according to your personality and party theme and location you can find an idea for your perfect look.

Petrecerea din noaptea de Revelion se apropie cu pasi repezi si multe dintre noi ne gandim cum sa ne imbracam. Exista o superstitie pe care multe o credem sau mai repede ne place sa o credem, ca purtand rosu si un obiect vestimentar nou in noaptea de revelion ne va aduce noroc. Aici aveti cateva sugestii de tinute potrivite pentru noaptea de revelion. In functie de personalitatea voastra ,tema si locatia petrecerii  cu siguranta gasiti o varianta ca punct de reper.

Extravagant red

Color blocking red

Little black red

nude red


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