Monday is not my day!

I have been saying a  lot recently that I hate Mondays, but really I do!
I had the worst day ever! 
Besides all the work to be done and hectic orders, I sprained my ankle. Now I can barely stand on it. So I  will not be able to do much these days.
 Lucky me! :|

Am tot spus iin ultima vreme ca urasc zilele de Luni, dar chiar asa e!
Am avut cea mai proasta zi!
Inafara de faptul ca am avut o gramada de treaba de terminat si comenzi haotice, am reusit sa imi luxez glezna. Acum abia calc pe picior. Asa ca nu voi reusii sa fac mare lucru zilele astea.
Norocul meu! :|


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