Reinventing Yourself

 I believe that beauty is within the details and that is really an easy way to reinvent ourselves with not such a big investment. Here is my new old hat that my mom used to wear when she was younger.
 I just sew on a chunky chain on and make it similar to the one at zara with much less money invested. I will also post a DIY on this project. 
And because the cold is really challenging me I got a new cozy jacket, sweater and boots. 
I will be back with few surprises for you. 
Have a great day!

Cred ca frumusetea sta in detalii si noi ne putem folosi de acest lucru pentru a ne reinventa in mod constant, fara a investi mult. Aici am purtat noua mea palarie veche pe care mama mea o purta cand era mai tanara. Am cusut un lant mai gros ai acum e similara cu cea de la zara , dar investitia e mult mai mica. voi posta si tutorialul acestui proiect.
Si pentru ca frigul ma provoaca zilele astea, mi-am achizitionat o jacheta groasa, un pulover si niste ghete.
Voi reveni cu surprize!
O zi frumoasa!


 Hat: mom's old hat DIY chain
Sweater: Levi's
Jacket: Denim Co
Jeans: Vintage
Watch: Calvin Klein
Bracelets, ring: random, B.A.D. style hex nut bracelet and brass engraved plate
Handbag: Pull and Bear
Boots: Custom made


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