Black Monday

It's Monday again, not my favorite day of the week, but I will get over it anyway.  
I can resume these pictures in three word, black,leather, spikes, Three things I have been obsessing about lately. I have always loved black but during summer I went for more brighter colors, now that autumn came and the weather is just not right up my alley, I go for dark shades. Leather is another element I love to use in my outfits and my designs as well. I got some new leather goods that I will show you soon. And of course spiked jewelry that needs to be there 24/7, well not really but almost daily.And as I said I tried the China Glaze Luxe and Lush on black tooo, it looks perfect!
What are your obsession right now?

Si e din nou Luni, nu e chiar ziua mea preferata, dar voi trece peste.
Fotografiile de mai jos le pot rezuma in 3 cuvinte: negru, piele, tepi.
Trei lucruri de care sunt obsedata in ultimul timp. Tot timpul mi-a placut negru, dar vara am preferat sa aleg culori mai intense, dar acum ca a venit vremea mohorata revin la nuante inchise. Piele este un element care imi place sa il includ in creatiile si tinutele mele, a si achizitionat cateva piese in ultima vreme pe care vi le voi arata curand. Si bineinteles  bijuteriile cu tepi pe care le port non stop, sau poate nu chiar non stop, dar zilnic. Si dupa cum ziceam am si incercat lacul China Glaze Luxe and Lush peste negru. Arata super!
Voi ce obsesii aveti mai nou?


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