Far away....gone with the wind

 Sometimes you just want to be free, escape from this evil world around us . Feeling free is  being a leaf in autumn. You detach from the former life you had and now you are free to get blown by the wind wherever  it would take you. Don't you like to do that once in a while?
This is my autumn leaf outfit here.

Cateodata iti vine sa te eliberezi de toate problemele cotidiene, sa fugi de tot ce e rau in jur. Starea de libertate e ca o frunza toamna. Te detasezi de viata pe o aveai si te lasi purtat de vant oriunde te-ar duce. Nu va place sa va eliberati din cand in cand?
Aceasta e tinuta mea de "funza in plina toamna".

 Jumper: Atmosphere
Dress as skirt: no name
Belt: Vintage
Feather epaulets: B.A.D. style
Bracelets: B.A.D. style and Claire's
Watch: Calvin Klein

 Photos by Veres Krisztian


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