Naturally, My Dear

 It's that time of the year that you should think of fading into autumn but still you don't want to.
Shops still have sales for the summer items but also some pre Fall collections make your wallet wonder: to open or not to open....
As for me, I am between summer and autumn. Still working on some super summer dresses for special ladies but also getting my FW collection wrapped up.
What are you up to? Packing for the vacation? 

E acel moment din an cand suntem cu un picior in vara si altul in toamna, incercand sa tinem mai mult de vara.
Magazinele inca au reduceri la produsele de vara , dar totusi apar si piese din colectiile de toamna care  iti fac portofelul sa se intrebe: sa ma deschid sau nu prea?
Si eu ma zbat intre anotimpuri, terminand rochiile pentru evenimentele de vara a unor super doamne si domnisoare, dar in acelasi timp sunt pe ultima suta de metrii si cu colectia de toamna.
Voi ce faceti? Impachetati bagajele pentru  vacanta?

 Top: B.A.D. style
Shorts: Stradivarius
Shoes: random brand
Bracelets: Romwe, Choies, B.A.D. style
Rings: H M

 Don't forget about the GIVEAWAY!

Photos by Veres Krisztian


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