Summer Brides 2013

 So here is the result of what we worked on last Sunday when everyone was having fun.
This is how we picture a 2013 summer bride to be. Simple, elegant with small details that go a long way. 
 A make-up made to emphasize beautiful features without going too far is what you should be looking for. I don't think I have to add more words to this description and I will let the photos speak for themselves. 
Do you like the idea?

 Si rezultatul muncii  noastre de Duminica trecuta cand toata lumea se distra pe la iarba verde.
Am creat imaginea unei mirese cum ne-o imaginam noi. O mireasa pentru vara anului 2013, eleganta, simpla, care alege sa puna accentul pe detalii care fac diferenta. Un machiaj care sa puna in evidenta  trasaturi frumoase fara a exagera este exact ceea ce ar trebui ales pentru ziua cea mare
. Nu cred ca mai are rost sa descriu ceea ce fotografiile pot reda mai mult mai bine.
Voua va place ?

 Photo: Sorin Popa
Dresses, Accessories: B.A.D. style


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