Because I work so much I thought of getting myself a present as a reward . I saw this mint fabric and I had to have it for myself, but I am not sure what it will be, a blouse or a dress.
I have time to decide because I won't be making anything out of it very soon; tons of work for orders. Anyway, this scarf printed trend got to me, even if I thougt it wouldn't, so never say never.
What is your "never" item this seeason?
Pentru ca lucrez foarte mult m-am gandit ca merit un cadou ca si recompensa. Am vauzt acest material verde-menta si trebuia sa il cumpar pentru mine, dar inca nu stiu ce imi voi face, o rochie sau o bluza.
Am timp sa ma decid deoarece prea curand nu voi face nimic din el; mult de lucru pentru cliente.
In orice caz, acest trend cu imprimeu batic m-a vrajit si pe mine cu toate ca nu as fi crezut ca voi purta vreodata, asa ca niciodata nu spune niciodata.
Care este acel "niciodata" de care v-ati indragostit voi in acest sezon?

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