One of the recipies that I made for Christmas.
These cookies remind me of childhood because mom used to make them every year.
It is a simple yet tasty recipe that you can try any day , not just for Christmas.
Una din retetele facute anul acesta de Craciun.
Cornuletele cu nuca imi aduc aminte de copilarie, cand mama facea in fiecare an de Craciun. Un fel de prajitura foarte usor de facut in orice zi, nu doar de Sarbatori.
All you need is
- 1 margarina de 250 gr
- 150 gr. nuci macinate
- 1 ou intreg
- 4 linguri zahar
- 400 - 420 gr. faina
- 150 gr. nuci macinate
- 1 ou intreg
- 4 linguri zahar
- 400 - 420 gr. faina
(small batch)
-1 margarina 250 gr
-150 grinded nuts
-1 egg
- 4 spoons of sugar
-400-420 gr flour.
(portie mica)
Put all the ingredients together in a bowl and then knead them together with your hands.
Se pun toate ingredientele intr-un bol si se framanta bine.
When it looks like a an even paste, you get a tray spread with some oil and preheat the oven.
Cand se omogenizeaza aluatul , se pregateste o tava cu putin ulei si se preincalzeste cuptorul.
Make small moon shaped cookies and align them on the tray.
Faceti mici cornulete si aranjati-le pe tava.
Bake them until thez are yellowish and hard.
Se lasa la cuptor pana se fac galbui si tari.
When they are ready take, whiten them with powdered sugar.
Cand sunt gata , dati-le prin zahar pudra.

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